Friday, December 27, 2013


I still haven't reached the point of 4,000 steps consistently. It's disappointing but I know that I can do it.

1/1/14= 7,000
1/2/14= 4,364
1/3= 4,106
1/4= 4,216
1/5= 2200 (cold & rainy)
1/6= 7603
1/7= 4,200
1/9= 3858
1/10= 518
1/11= 4,600
1/12= 3,800
1/13= 4736
1/14= 3,378
1/15= 5,067
1/16= 4465
1/17= 4330
1/18= 1915 (felt bad)
1/19= 1,500
1/20= 2,020 (stayed in with sick puppy)
1/21= 3903
1/22= 4024
1/23= 4597
1/24= 5,600
1/26= 2715
1/27= 5,600
1/28= 3574
1/29= 1,600 (snow day-stayed inside)
1/30= 2537 (optional workday- desk work mostly)
1/31= 7200

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week 6

Have you ever found yourself frustrated when you see someone else's weight loss success? I feel like such a horrible person, but I am definitely in that zone at this moment in my life. It is probably rooted in my sense of failure for being that lucky girl and then falling off of the wagon in graduate school. I really want to get back to the size I was in college. It was the most amazing thing ever. Yet, it seems like losing the weight is so much harder now than it was then. My current step= I can't do it. However, the good news is that I have hit 4,000 steps several times last week. I even hit 5,000 twice! My current goal is still to reach 4,000 consistently. It's a slow start, but the slow start will help me win the race.

11/25/13- 4,805
11/27/13- 2,229 (snowed)
11/28/13- 5,400
11/29/13- 3,200
1/30/13- 3,300
12/2/13- 5,687
12/4/13- 1,987 (sick)
12/5/13- 3,500
12/6/13- 4,000
12/7/13-945 (sick)
12/8/13- 1,645 (sick)
12/9/13- 5,000
12/10/13- 3,201
12/11- 5152
12/14- 4303
12/15 (skipped)
12/16- 3000
12/17- 4206
12/18- 6068
12/19- 4,000
12/21- 3,200
12/22- 5,200
12/23= 3,300
12/24= 7890
12/25- 4,000
12/26- 3,300
12/27- 4,130
12/28- 4,910

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week 5

The goal of this week is to average 4,000 steps a day again. It's been much harder than I anticipated to reach this goal, but I am determined. I will not let a few sick days set me back. I will start walking 4,000 steps a day and will do it happily.

11/13/13- 4,100
11/14/13- 4,322
11/15/13- 4,380
11/16/13- 3,670
11/17/13- 2,779
11/18/13- 4,222
11/19/13 - 3,650
11/20/13- 3,677
11/21/13- 5,918 (not sure how I managed to do this but I hope I can keep up the good work)
11/22/13- 5,525
11/23/13- 3,600
11/24/13- 7,326 (walked the hill for 3,000 of those steps)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 4

The goal of this week is to average 4,000 steps a day again. It's been much harder than I anticipated to reach this goal, but I am determined. I will not let a few sick days set me back. I will start walking 4,000 steps a day and will do it happily.

11/6/13- 3,240
11/7/13- 5,124
11/8/13- 3,000
11/9/13- 1,300
11/10/13- 1,344
11/11/13- 3,600
11/12/13 - Untracked

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week 3

The goal of this week is to average 4,000 steps a day. I think it is harder for me to reach that number on the weekends as I am really bad about spending most of the day reading. I am also less motivated when the weather is nasty outside. However, I have no more excuses if I want to go back to that skinny girl that I used to be.

Oct. 30- 3,600
Oct. 31-3,650
Nov. 1- 3,500
Nov. 2- 4,989
Nov. 3- 1,100
Nov. 4- 3,000
Nov. 5- 3,000

My 1st short term goal: reach 5,000 steps (check)
My 2nd short term goal: reach 5,000 steps consistently for 1 week 
Diet- Reduce amount of soda and potatoes consumed to 1x a week. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week Two

When I was in college, I lost 40lbs by walking every day and not eating potatoes. The moment when I first realized that my clothes were too loose was the best feeling in the whole world. I want to go back to that. I want to find that motivation within myself again and know that this time is for good. This time, I am not going to let stress and the realities of my "real-world" job get in my way. I want to be healthy again. I miss that feeling.

The goal of this week is to average 4,000 steps a day. I think it is harder for me to reach that number on the weekends as I am really bad about spending most of the day reading. I am also less motivated when the weather is nasty outside. However, I have no more excuses if I want to go back to that skinny girl that I used to be.

Oct. 23- 3,418
Oct. 24- 4,060
Oct. 25- 2,500 (ankle woes)
Oct. 26-2,500? (dog deleted my steps half-way through the day)
Oct. 27- sick
Oct. 28- sick
Oct.29- 3,000

My 1st short term goal: reach 5,000 steps (check)
My 2nd short term goal: reach 5,000 steps consistently for 1 week 
Diet- Reduce amount of soda and potatoes consumed to 1x a week. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Week One

Today, I turned on my pedometer for the first time. I read that you should spend the first week of the challenge tracking how many steps you normally take. 

Here is my pedometer. I purchased it on Amazon for $10. I love the belt clip and the size of this pedometer. I can easily slide it into my pocket or wear it. 

My running record for October 15th-22nd as follows:

October 15- 3,856
October 16- 4,595
October 17- 4,000
October 18- 5,264
October 19-2,500 (rainy day blues)
October 20- 2,700 
October 21- 5,406 (1st day back to walking the dogs)
October 22- 5,620

My 1st short term goal: reach 5,000 steps (check)
My 2nd short term goal: reach 5,000 steps consistently for 1 week 
Diet- Reduce amount of soda and potatoes consumed to 1x a week. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

An introduction of sorts....

Hello world!

I imagine that those of you who have stumbled onto this blog may be asking yourself about the name. 10,000 steps is the rough equivalent of walking 5 miles. It is also my fitness goal for the next year. I want to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. They say the best way to motivate yourself to good fitness habits is to keep a journal. This blog is my journal.